So back to the story, so my MIL drives this package down to me that evening. Of course when I saw the name on the return I knew exactly who it was, the Good Witch from the south. So PugsLee and I opened the box right up. And you know what? I think that was about the time my head stopped throbbing. Want to see what's inside?
My good friend from the south, after this she'll never get rid of me, sent me 4 cans of Libby's canned pumpkin's. I have seen one of these cans on the grocery store shelves in months. They used to be so prevalent, you could find them in almost any store.
Ranette's blog is on my list to the right.
I did manage a finish of sorts. Do you remember me showing you this pillow, from last year? I had given it to Cousin Linda and "cough" regretted it? Then I had the brilliant idea to make my own?
I finished the embroidery last night. I even added a monogram "C" for own last name. Ain't it pretty?
I did change the design a little. In the antique original, there were very small circles embroidered, I made french knots in their place. You can still see the slight pink lines that I marked.
Now the next step is to quilt it up and have it ready for my Christmas bed.
So all in all I ready did have a Wonderful Wednesday, Thanks Ranette!
Take care, Brandie
Brandie, I love that embroidery. Where can I find the pattern? those would be wonderful xmas gifts! Lizzie
I went to the store the other day and there were only two cans of pumpkin on the shelf. Did I snag the up at a speed that would make the Flash look like the tortoise? Heck yeah!
P.S. Love the pillow!
Isn't it funny that packages come when they are most needed. Lovely stuff. Hope you feel better.
The pillow is gorgeous! So, so pretty!!
Isn't Ranette a sweetheart. I got a good laugh out of the canned pumpkin!!
Oh I haven't even looked for pumpkin yet! :-o I'd better start! How sweet of Ranette! And I love your pillow!!! :-)
Pumpkin!! It's still not in the stores here, that's a true friend!
Love your pillow, your handwork is amazing!
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