I did it! A finish, Hurray! A 10 year old UFO is done and now I can complete something else. I'm so happy with myself. I love to have things checked off my list. I makes me feel proud. I do need to sew the binding down today, but that's no problem for me, I could do that in my sleep.

Some close-up of the feathers, my all time favorites!

I love how it looks from this distance. To far away for you too see any mistakes, like uneven stitch length or even a wonky feather. I'm far from perfect, but I strive to be better every day, in
every thing.

Today I'm going to try to complete my Halloween decorating, this binding and maybe even start another UFO.
still looking for a name for this quilt, technically, a quilt isn't complete without a label and I feel that every quilt needs a name. So put your thinking caps on and send me a name. Donna, keep it clean!
Take care everyone, Brandie
This is absolutely gorgeous!!
Nice work, beautiful quilt. Lizzie
Awesome. You should be very proud. It is lovely.
How about a name: "home in the meadow"
Its very pretty. Makes me think if country cottages and field of wild flowers.
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