Remember yesterday when I said that my Aunt is still finding stuff at my Grandmother's? Well here is something else she just found. Isn't it pretty and delicate? What would you do with something like this?

I framed it and put a specimen label in with it and called it a widow web. It is now is with the Halloween decorations. I'm not sure where it will finally live, but it will do as a decoration. If Grandma only knew...

I really didn't get much done yesterday. I had woken up with a sore shoulder and unable to raise my arm higher than half way. So I babied it and read till I got a headache. Then I realized that it wasn't a headache as much as it was sinus pain. So like a good girl I used my Netti pot and soaked in the tub till I felt better.
So far so good on the head this morning, the shoulder is a little better, but I have high hopes that all will be well much better later today.
What I did do is make a little pillow. I was cleaning out a sewing drawer and I came across this little pumpkin block. So I finished it up and turned it into a pillow that sits on my bed.

And since I had so much fun with the rick-rack, I added some to this pillow too.
Thanks for stopping by, have a Wonderful Wednesday!
Take care, Brandie
adorable! Love the lace from grandma, would look lovely quilted onto a dark piece of fabric and made into a pillow. Lizzie
That pumpkin pillow is gorgeous! I'm so jealous of your creativity.
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