I have another idea in my head and I found the most loveliest of lovely fabrics to use. These fabrics beg to be touched. And when touched they cause drooling. Unfortunately, I can not let you get any closer than you are for fear of drool and germs.

I have myself a little box of jewels. Nice some velvety jewels. All I can say is that I may be creating a dog free quilt. Because we all know about dog drool. This quilt may be off limits to poor PugsLee.

If all goes to plan, I may even use this dupioni silk as a background. I'm going to break all the rules. And I may even use wool in it too. I said I wasn't going to start collecting new fabrics, but I was inspired by another blog (
Material Obsession) and there is no looking back. I'm like a woman possessed.
Oh to have more time in the day! I want to do it all.
Take care, Brandie
Gorgeous, beautiful fabric!!!
Where on earth did you find this beautiful silk velvet?
I could so see that as a beautiful crazy quilt. So tactile and beautiful!
How beautiful! Did you buy it as a bundle? Where? I can't wait to see what it becomes. I bought some dupioni silk at Joann's a while back...with a 50% off coupon! They only carry a few colors at our small store.
I love that photo of the different colored fabric bunched together. My grandparents have a porch light made of glass chunks and it looks just like that. All bunched up together and colorful. How fun!
Oh my, you need to provide bibs when you make posts like this. Drool is right, I'm salivating all over myself!
Oh they look so lovely! Silk and wool in the same quilt??? Sounds almost like a crazy quilt. I have 3 tubs full of reclaimed wools. I like appliqueing with wools. Lol, your picture of your new fabrics look like roses when I first looked at them.
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