I then took the quilt outside and laid it on the car, where there was still a bit of sun overhead. Still not a true representation of the colors.
All day I've been thinking of another element to this quilt. Tomorrow I will try to see if it's something that will work.
So far these batiks have been working well together. Surprisingly after being in a basket for years there was very few wrinkles and no fraying. Don't you just love batiks!
I stopped for the day because I just started to fight the blocks. Right around the damselfly, the blocks are not matching up. I guess that's good if I only just now came to a problem. So a little work and measuring is going to be required before I go on.
After a (hopefully) good nights sleep, I'll dive in and try to complete the top, tomorrow.
Have a happy evening!
Take care, Brandie
great dragonflies!!!
LOve the dragonfly!! The little eyes are the best!!
The dragonfly looks great and all those details really makes him look lifelike.
I love dragonflies!! Biltmore House is showcasing a Tiffany lamp exhibition, and they have a dragonfly as their main motif. The gardens are even planted in a dragonfly pattern. I'll email you a picture.
Did you use tulle for the wings? I love the damselfly. You need to post a tute on how to make those.
Wow! Those are terrific wings. and eyes. Really love your dragonfly.
Oh that's awesome! The first quilt my mom ever made me was a dragonfly quilt. It is black and gold and purple. The dragonfly fabric has a black background with gold stars on it; the quilt is called Dragonflies at Night.
Looks like you have a lot of fun things going here.
I'll be back for more
Love your header
Hi Brandie, I love your dragonfly. It is perfect for the spot in your quilt. Looking forward to seeing it all finished.
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