One of my small group friends gently encouraged me to take some quilts to the Chico branch library. After gathering up the courage to talk to the librarian, I made plans with her to drop them off last Friday. I loaded up 10 quilts and my MIL and I delivered them. We brought them in and made contact with the librarian. She took the bags of quilts , put them in an office (she said was locked, but wasn't at that moment or when we left), put them on a chair and said "Thank you, I'll hang them this Monday when the library is closed." She then said "Goodbye" and walked off. My MIL and I looked at each other and kind of shrugged and headed for the door. Why was I apprehensive? There was no receipt, No counting of quilts, just a
wam, bam, thank you mam.
Well all is right and I needn't have worried. All 10 quilts are there and if I do say, they look beautiful. They are hung below the skylights and even on a cloudy, rainy day, the light was warm and made the quilts look great.

I thought this was an interesting view of the library. Ignore the man.

I've never showed you this one before. This is a paper pieced class I took at Honey Run about 3 years ago. My husband likes this quilt the best because of all the angles. And because I didn't use any "muddy" colors. He likes the pure pigments, I like muted tones.
I'm sorry this isn't a very good pictures. I'll show you better pictures when I get them back. Which leads me to another thing. I won't get them back till someone else brings more quilts in.

This is one of the feathered stars I made in a class. I loved the way the red shows up on the yellow. I don't know if you remember, but I have another FS in my UFO pile. The UFO is twice as big and made of the same colors, just different fabrics.
That's all for today, I'll show you some more tomorrow.
Take care, Brandie
I would have been very worried too. That is so great to have them hanging in the library. I know they will be admired by many.
Your quilts look fantastic. What a great way to display them.
I am going to have to go and visit the public Library. Your quilts look great! Lizzie
I probably wouldn't have left my quilts...I'm a chicken. Your quilts look awesome and gorgeous! You do some great work girl!!!
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