In our first class, we learned to make bows. Big giant, cover you messy cake bows. It wasn't too bad. We learned a few things. One being that it's not all fondant, it's a half and half mix with gum paste. Helps it dry faster, but not too fast.
These bows are the teacher's. Notice that hers are perfect. Every loop in the right place. Just wait till you see mine.
This is the one the teacher made to demonstrate. The paper you will see is to keep the loops from falling down. The fondant is heavy and it collapses on it's self after a while. How do I know? Because I didn't stuff all my loops and by the time I got home, it was a bow that looked like it had been sat on. I need to learn to listen to the teacher!
A student bow. She used the teachers fancy rolling pin to get this great impressions.
As you can see, this student dyed her fondant and her hands!
This lady made a beautiful color peach. I love this color, it's perfect.
Another student bow.
This is Gail's bow. It's hard to see but her fondant was marbled a purple and a maroon. Very pretty. She also used the teachers rolling pin.
And these are my and the Daughter's. Anyone who knows my Daughter would instantly know which one is hers. She is a purple lover and has been all her life.
Mine is the one that looks like it was made with "Extra" gum. Notice the flat look. I've learned my lesson and I think the next bow would be much better.
At dinner that night, she informed me that she wants to move to San Luis Obispo next year.
Great way to chock me and age me in an instant! It was bad enough when she moved out of the family home and moved 30 minutes away. Now she wants to 6 hours and 37 minutes away! What's a Mom to do!? She's breaking my heart... I just hope that she doesn't find a job there. Any advice on losing your kids is greatly appreciated.
Empty nester in California.
Way to go! How fun!! No empty nest advice though. Mine is 4 y.o. Have a ways to go for that, but NOT looking forward to it at all!
Encourage her to make sure that where-ever she lives there is room for you to stay - frequently! Failing that, Karen at Sew Many Ways has started a club for Empty Nesters - I've joined.
My son moved to SLO and went to school there when he was 19 and he loved it! He came back when he was 28 or 29. He was gone so long I can't remember. Look at it this way, it is a great place for you to visit!
You never lose your kids. When Jen moved out I had her room redone and made into a sewing room in 5 minutes. Just kidding. SLO is a great place to visit!
That looks like dun. I've played with fondant. I call it adult play dough...LOL!
Oh, I WISH my girls were only 6 and a half hours away! She'll still be close enough to justify any long weekend, and no prob for major holidays. I know it's hard, though. I just road-tripped everyone to their distant, distant colleges. :(
oh! I meant to say how wonderful those cake bows are! I could never do that. :D
How fun!!! What a fun time with your daughter!!
Pretty bows, but they look very hard to me!
My oldest daughter just moved from college (4 hrs from home) to St. Louis, which is 7 hours from me. It's hard, but I like road trips so I'll adjust.
My middle daughter will probably end up on the West Coast and that makes me sad :(
My youngest is still at home...yay!
How fun, my daughter and I took a cake decorating class 2 years ago. Great fun to create together.
as a non-cake decorator, I always admire others work, great job on the bows, fun stuff
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