In our neck of the woods, the Fair comes to town every Memorial Day.

There are rides...

Pig races...

Baby farm animals...

And more babies. These little guys were in front of a caged off 1,000 pound pig. You had to pay to see the big pig, but these cute little guys were free to watch. personally, I would have paid to see these cuties, who cares about a huge pig.

They were chasing a ball around and butting each other in the bellies. Too funny!
I'm giving you highlights of the best parts. But really all the matters, is my Family and I spent a wonderful day together!
Today, back to Lily.
Take care, Brandie
Fun pics!! :-) Fairs don't start around here until August.
What a fun way to kick off the season!!
I love the fair, here we have to wait until August, but it's worth it. Looks like a great way to spend the first long weekend of summer.
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