We went the long way home. I've shown you the right side of Paradise, looking toward Chico. Now I'll show you the left side, looking toward Oroville. On this side we share a lake, appropriately named Oroville Lake. The lake just kisses the shores of our small mountain.
This is not our local water source, but southern California's water. At times the water is so low, that our boats look to be beached. Right now the level looks higher then I've seen it in years. Which is nice, as it take good pictures.
This old home was moved and relocated to a new lot. I like to drive by and see the progress. not too much since I was last by, unless they are working on the inside of the house.
They have started a gate and have most of the pillars done. Probably to keep people like me out! I just hope that they get that house planted in the ground soon. It being on stilts scares me. What if the ground shifts or what if moles are digging around all those posts? Just makes me nervous.
In this picture, we are stand at the top of a hill. We keep getting buzzed by these birds. They wouldn't get close enough for me to see if they were hawks or vultures.
There's even a little island this year. Ain't it cute? definitely within swimming distance of the shore.
Today I need to get back to quilting. I did do more stitch in the ditch on the lavender quilt, but every time I tried to do free motion, the thread broke. Obviously I'm using the wrong thread. So now I need to find another and finish this up.
Have a wonderful weekend and a happy Mom's Day!
Take care, Brandie
Breathtaking photos!!
Happy Mother's Day, Brandie!! :-)
Glad you were able to find homes for all of the kitties...before they made themselves too at home in your heart. That's always the dangers of fostering. It's happened to my neighbor over and over. She has adopted 2 girls (real life sisters) and 2 boys (real life brothers), only hers are real childrean.
I really enjoyed your pictures. It is so beautiful there! I'm not sure if west coast buzzards are the same as east coast buzzards, but I find the best way to tell a buzzard from a true bird of prey is to watch it fly for just a short while. Buzzards are not graceful at all. After just a short while they will bobble around, especially when banking they wobble a lot.
I hate thread and tension issues. My Bernina is much pickier than my old Viking, and I often find myself going back to it for quilting.
What a lovely day and a beautiful area you live in.
Way to go on finding homes for the kitties!!
Oh what a gorgeous place that you live in....I'm jealous!! LOL
Breathtaking photos Brandie. Love to jump into them.
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