I have a rose! Only one, the first of the year, but a rose! Isn't it a cutie? This was my Grandmother's rose and when she passed, I brought our favorite home with me. According to the legend, my Grandmother knew the person that this rose was named after. All I knew it that this rose lived right beside the front door and I loved it. So I dug it up and moved it to my house to love it here. And every bloom is a reminder of my Grandmother. Mmmm, Love!

Just a cutie reaching for the sky. The buds open and they always seem to retain this tightness. Which makes them all the more lovely.

Before last weeks storm, my Dogwood was gorgeous. Big beautiful petals and new leaves. Today the Dogwood is not so gorgeous. All the winds and heavy rains have knocked the petals off. Oh well, at least I don't have to water!

Everything is green and sprouting new growth. All the ferns are loving this weather!

And now for the last UFO. I finished it! It is all quilted and the binding I quickly sewed down. Still wasn't thrilled with it, so I gave it to our Guild and they can find a home for it. I'm just glad it's done and out of my basket!

Still working on the wedding dress. Yesterday's fitting just brought new problems. If the dress didn't fit when you bought it, it ain't going to fit after I get done with it! I think this may be a fools mission. 18 inches is not a dress that needs to be let out. As you might have guessed, she is blessed with much fullness, up top. And now it's my problem of how to make a pre-bought dress fit. Woe is me!
Have a wonderful weekend!
What a beautiful rose, I wish my yard had roses. Congrats on finishing your UFO! 18 inches!!?? Really?? Oh my... Yeah, you have your work cut out for you on this one, you may be better off pulling the dress apart and using the pieces to grade and create a new, larger pattern. Much luck to you.
I made my fist dresden. It's soooo cute!!!!
What a sweet roes! I also only have one rose. It is the first Mother's Day present my son bought for me with money he earned on his own, (not allowance or doing extra stuff for us). I noticed last evening it is full of buds...and the boy just left yesterday morning. I don't think he saw that it was budding. He was here from TX, with his fiance' and her mom, to plan their wedding.
It was a busy week. I am extremely organized when there are many things that need to be done in a short time period. I'll be polite and leave it at that. I really like the wife to be, and enjoyed the mom's company.
I feel for you on the wedding dress! But I'm sure you'll figure it out. Maybe it will come to you in a dream. some times our brain does it's best thinking when we don't mix it with all of the emotions of the concience mind.
What a beautiful little rose with such special meaning!!
How nice to finish the quilt and move it out! LOL
Congratulations on a beautiful finish!!! That is the best feeling!!
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