If you want to see a truly beautiful picket fence, look here at Lynn's work in progress. Her fence looks like fine art, while mine looks low-brow. But we obviously think the same, she's just a master.
I thought this weekend I'd get to them but, no. Instead, the family went out of town and did a little art tour. So no sewing done.
I may be taking a break for awhile, as I have too many things piling up around my ears. I have a deadline of June 4 to finish a couple projects. I'll be back if I finish anything, but don't count on it.
Till then,
Take care, Brandie
What an adorable idea. Those dresdens are perfect for little flowers, I can't wait to try a few of my own.
Enjoy your break, we'll see you when you get back.
Really cute!!!! I love rick rack.
Yours looks beautiful!! And those are my kind of flowers...no watering!! :-) Yours are gorgeous!!
Love it Brandie! I hope to see you at Guild! xo Pam
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