At the same time I also bought muslin squares. I had the perfect plan and the only thing holding me back, is slow delivery.
I received them yesterday and I already got started. Want to see?
I'm making half-square triangle baskets.
I think these are going to be so cute! One of the best things is, I can keep the handles in my bag and always have something to sew on (if I can keep my head out of the Kindle, which also lives in my bag!).
So Linda, Thanks for introduction and the mild loss to my bank account!
BTW, do allergies make you sleepy or am I just getting old? This last week I've been exhausted! I feel as if I can't get enough sleep and my eyes are always itchy (which I do know is allergies). And of course there is also my lack of quilting, that's another side-effect.
Oh woo is me! I am getting old! Next month I'll be 41, that is old! Guess I'm wearing out and breaking down...
Just ignore me, having a pity party, I'll be fine as soon as I find some chocolate.
Take care, Brandie
LOL!!! Looks like I may have been a bad influence on your wallet! LOL! Isn't it just gorgeous fabric??? Love your sweet little baskets! Can't wait to see what you'll do with them.
The baskets are perfect for that pretty fabric!!
Pretty line of fabrics. Love the baskets.
The little baskets are just darling! I love them.
Oh, I love basket blocks. So cute.
41, you are a baby. Hope the chocolate helped. We all have our pity parties when a birthday comes around.
That's perfect fabric for these baskets. I'm the same as you when I see the stack of fq's. I only have purchased 2 and both were with gift cert's. Hope you are feeling better, and good luck to your daughter, There's been a lot of love and labor go into this dress.
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