Do you have help doing the chores at home? I do...
I left a basket to fold in the living room, went back to start another load of laundry and this is what I found. A helper in my clean clothes.
They aren't even warm. You see, my most hated chore is folding laundry. I will put it off till I HAVE it fold it for lack of room. Yesterday was that day, there was no more room in the laundry room for piles of clean laundry.
PugsLee has never done this before. Sure she'll roll and rub herself on anything that falls out of the basket, but in her 11 years, she has never gotten into a basket.
She didn't leave for over an hour. So lucky me I had to fold all those jeans after I had been done with the rest for quite a while. I'm so lucky to have help!
Have a wonderful weekend!
Till next week, Brandie
Your toenails are cute!
PugsLee looks like she is having a wonderful time in the basket.
PugsLee was just trying to stay warm with all that hail. She was trying to make a nest.
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