I found this beautiful black linen fabric with embroidered white dots. I just knew that is would make a great skirt. And it did.
Poka-dots are one of my favorite things. From dishes, shoes, quilts, undies to socks, you can't go wrong with dots!
I also found this great sweater at Target.
Sorry the picture makes it look gray, but it's black. It is the perfect mate to my new skirt. I love it! Even though I can hear cousin Linda complaining about my lack of color. Well guess what Linda, I can pair this with any color shirt not just my favorite white.
I did manage to true-up all the schoolhouses, before I got into a new book. My arm was a little sore after 36 blocks were all trimmed to 11 1/2 inches. I actually took time to clean house between. Trim 6 blocks, do the dishes. Trim another 6, start some laundry. Six more, vacuum the floor. You get the idea, it makes the time go by faster. Read a few chapters, clean the bathroom, maybe a few more chapters then I'll do it...
Take care, Brandie
Nice skirt. i almost bought a border embroidered linen at Joann's clearance, but decided it wasn't the right green.
You sure are working hard on those house blocks. I really don't like squaring up. I'd like to have your discipline when it comes to doing one thnkg for a while and then doing some house work. I did laundry between dog care and computer work yesterday, but not really...it was fabric that I washed, lol.
Lovely skirt and sweater! I should apply your method to my day. Do a chore, read a blog, do some homework, read a blog...
Both will be totally cute together! Love it!
Skirt is so pretty. Perfect with that cute sweater! Boy, you really got a lot done!! Very disciplined!
I bet our closets look fairly similar. It sure makes it easier to dress when everything is black, white, ecru, navy, or tan! LOL
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