So these are my first two stars. As you can see, I'm trying to get them to match this paisley fabric. That blue is pretty hard to match up. I had nothing in my stash and I only found these two blues and my local quilt shop. I plan on using some greens also, by I really, really need these blues! If I can use more than half stash fabric, I'll feel great! So far so good.
The true color of the paisley. It is very green, but it has those muddy colors that I like so much. I find them softer than true colors, Husband calls them "muddy".

I may make up some more stars in green later. But first I'm going to erect more schoolhouses. I have several cut out and I tallied up and discovered I need 18 more. So I plan on getting as many done as I can, without buying more reds. But I do have a shopping list, and it does say blues, reds and a purple to finish up Lori's quilt-along.
So wish me luck on finishing up and later on keeping my shopping list to a small hand full of change!
Take care, Brandie
Stars are very pretty. I love the green paisley fabric!
I love that paisley. The colors are gorgeous!
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