Someone donated 20 of these old blocks. They are all hand stitched and they are all different sizes. But I still love them. Some of the fabric is so old that you can see a coating of the starch(?). It is really shiny in spots.
Whoever stitched these up, didn't use a quarter inch seam, so I had a really hard time not cutting off the tips when I was adding sashing.
Some of the blocks were 6 inches and some were 5 1/2 inches and about 5 were 4 3/4 of an inch. This little quilt is certainly not perfect, but I love it anyway.
I'm going to keep it around for a Grandchild. Would you use it for a boy or a girl?
BTW, I'm sorry I haven't been with you in a while. I'm blaming it on the Kindle. I've read 8 books on it so far and (cough cough) I'm caught up in a vampire series. Please don't laugh! I didn't know and now it's too late... I have to finish the series to see who or what happens. So If I am absent again, you all know why, it's those vampires that are keeping me away.
Take care, Brandie
It looks like you could use for a boy or a girl. It is always a bit of a challenge to work with old blocks- fun though!
What a beautiful quilt! A little challenge but so worth it. Im leaning towards girl for this quilt. But it's close. :-)
Well your friend was very nice to give up those blocks. You made a great quilt from them.
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