Sorry I don't have anything quilt-y to show you. Yesterday I added another sleeve to the dress, but it so hard to take a good picture, so I'll wait for a better one.
I also cleaned house from top to bottom, and that's boring but boy do I feel better. Have you even noticed how long it takes to put things back to normal when you add something new to your house? A couple of years ago, I umm, watered our TV. Yeah I was in big trouble when I did that. So we've been living with our 27" bedroom TV, in a big living room. I got used to it, Hubby hasn't. Yet he couldn't decide what kind of TV to get, plasma, tube or whatever. That's not my department so I didn't know or care. So long story short, Hubby bought a "newer" TV from a friend. And guess what, it's to big to fit into my beautiful wooden cabinet. For about 2 weeks, we have been living with 2 TVs in the way. Yeah you heard me 2 weeks! Why? Because that TV needed something to sit on and all those other things that go with TV watching needed a new home too.
Finally that has happened, they are all tucked in and every body has a new home. The speakers have been rewired and every corner have been dusted, scrubbed and polished. I love this feeling of "every thing is clean". I really wished it would stay that way! But living with 2 males isn't about being clean. We used to say "this is why we can't have nice things". That still rings true. Boys... can't live with them... and you just clean around them!
Take care, Brandie
Watered the tv???? Want to come clean my house next? I'll let you. :)
It's still nice to the Spring bulbs, even with snow. LOL! Watering the tv sounds like something I would do! I love that clean feeling too. I feel that way about the fridge and freezer right now because I just cleaned it out totally with power outage. Too bad it never stays that clean.
I am going to have to search outside for signs of spring. I'm ready!
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