I completed another 6 and I may have an idea where this is going. So far these blocks have been fun and they have helped me relax and just do something for myself. There are no deadline and the only person I need to please, is myself. Maybe if I finish these, I'll actually have something to put in my own quilt show (the one I'm in charge of). The job has me so worried about doing my best, that I hadn't taken time to think about the quilts yet. So cross your fingers for me that this quilt will be completed by October.

I took the blocks and laid them on my bed to get an idea of how many I needed to make. I left them there for most of the day. I would find myself gazing at them. I really like them against the all red background.

Simplicity at it's best. I am just loving the reds, maybe I'm bias. But it already looks good on my bed and it matches the red work pillow, I wouldn't need or want to change anything.
Today I need to get back to the "dress". There are a few things (buttonholes) that I need to finish up. So time to change my thread and get to work.
Take care, Brandie
Wow, you are a little house making machine!! Love them all!!
The blocks are wonderful Brandie! I love that the roofs are the same fabric. What a great block.
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