I found some! I knew I had to have some leftover from the school houses. I was right, I did! I'm getting close to the home stretch and I'm crossing my fingers that this is it. You would think a 3/4 inch sashing wouldn't use so much fabric!

Even though I was groggy yesterday after my later morning nap, I did manage to finish all the other strips. Still working on the sashing pieces.

With these other strips, it makes what you have seen before, only half the quilt. What I had finished was the top half and these strips will be the bottom half.
Santa, I need a design wall, not a design floor.

As you can see, I am in the middle of several things at once. It looks like I need to clean my work space!

Sometimes Hubby comes in and takes pictures of me working. I think it's weird, but so is he. But this is proof that I was working on this baskets.

Obviously, someone needs to iron. Anyone? Hello? Do you want to iron these strips for me?
Didn't think so, Oh well, I tried.
Take care, Brandie
Ironing all that will be a chore. For sure. Love the baskets.
If you can get me out there I'll be your Ironing Wench! but you'll have to wait a few weeks. Mom is coming to stay for a little while.
Awesome that you found some more red!! Not a big fan myself of the ironing!!
What a difference the sashing makes to the blocks. They look great.
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