My grandpup, Maximus, stayed the weekend and keep us laughing. He is in to everything and poor PugsLee is exhausted! She has been running to and from and trying to nap all weekend. For an 11 year old dog, she's doing good, but Max can be too much for her. At some point I have to intervene and put him in a time out (his crate).
This was PugsLee sleeping on her chair in the sun, when Max popped up and woke her up. He has gotten so big. I weighed him again and he now a whopping 3 lbs 15 ozs. His height is 9 inches tall now. Pretty soon he will probably be as tall as PugsLee. She is on the short side, but I love her anyway!
Before Max arrived, I finished up some sewing. Want to see?
This is a fennel bulb with a neck. No, just kidding. This is my silly drawing of a giraffe. See the head on the right? I wanted a long neck and I wanted the giraffe to be taller than her block.
Don't you think this is the perfect fabric for a girly giraffe? She is now my favorite.
Here she is all done and ready to go. Click to make her big and check out her beautiful ear.
Ms. Elly. She also has a flappy ear and tail.
Spotty the owl. They are all joined together with 174 half square triangles. Yeah, 174... exhausting!
They may not be perfect triangles, but I Love, Love, Love this quilt. I said all along that this wasn't going to be a traditional baby quilt. But after I finished it, it reminds me of a old 70's quilt. So even though I thought it would look out of place, I feel comfortable with the way it looks.
My Daughter and I think that the Mom will love it, being how she likes the retro look. To most of us, that's the 70's. I never thought I'd go back, but it looks as though I did. I hated all those colorful clothes I was made to wear growing up, and not just because they were hand me downs. As we all know, I'm color challenged (professed by Cousin Linda in 2002) and would prefer muted tones and not too many patterns, but I'm slowly changing, slowly!
Tomorrow I discuss the Triangle Exchange, so you to can have 174 half square triangles to make sashing with.
Take care, Brandie
Very cute blocks and applique. Love your fabric choice for the giraffe. Plus your churn dash on the chair is outstanding, love the red & cheddar combo.
I think your retro baby quilt is adorable! Like I always say, you are one creative lady!
I love it Brandie! Great Job, original art, not someone elses pattern (Not that there is anything wrong with using someone's pattern.) original art work makes it extra special!
I love it. It is adorable. I love the giraffe, i really should start quilting-!!!
I just need some words of encouragement. I think!!!
-Samya ;-)
It is so adorable! Nothing 70ish about it!!! You are so artistic.
You are so talented! That quilt is gorgeous!! They're all my favorite, I couldn't just pick one! :-) The sashing is perfect. The mom will for sure love it too!!
I love, love, love it too!
The quilt is wonderful! Love the giraffe and the purples in the quilt really are great! You really do a great job designing!
What a lovely quilt.
I am hopeless at making my own patterns.
Any child will love your animals, and the colours are wonderful too.
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