So to show my Thanks, I do have a gift, but first I'd like to show you a simple idea that just came to me.
I have one shelf that I devote all my quilting books (OK, that's a lie, but I try to keep them all on one shelf). Said shelf gets a little stuffed at time, like now. I do go through my books occasionally, but I have a hard time getting rid of any as I am a Bibliophile: Bibliophilia or bibliophilism is the love of books. Accordingly a bibliophile is an individual who loves books. More commonly referred to as a bookworm, the individual loves books for their content, or otherwise loves reading. The -ia-suffixed form "bibliophilia" is sometimes considered[by whom?] to be an incorrect usage; the older "bibliophilism" is considered[by whom?] more correct. The adjective form of the term is bibliophilic. A bibliophile may be, but is not necessarily, a book collector.
I had an old yard stick sitting around and I put Velcro on both ends and used it to keep those book in oder. If I had a bunch of yard sticks, I'd make a frame around my bulletin board and maybe even these bookshelves. The ideas are endless. Just thought I should share, incase you also have an unruly shelf. (there I was just being punning, twice)
Lets get on to the good stuff. The gifts. I have here a Fig Tree book with some beautiful quilts, and some even have pumpkins and gourds in them. Which I think is perfect for this time of year.
Also there are 6 fat-quarters in yummy warm tones. And just because I went a little crazy with the coasters, there are a pack of 4 to grace your table.
So if you are interested, please leave a message for me here on this post And I want to hear what makes you Thankful. This isn't a contest to see who is the most Thankful, I just want to spread the joy and make those Negative Nellies out there see how good they have it. And because this is the season to be Thankful. I'll start, I'm Thankful to be living in a town that is surrounded in beauty. Every day I gives Thanks for the color green.
I will pick a name on Monday morning and announce the lucky person then. I will also be taking a break till Monday, to let everyone have a chance to enter, so goodbye till then.
Take care, Brandie
It has been my pleasure to be inspired by you!! happy blogaversary!!
I have so much to be thankful for, but right off the bat I can think of my wonderful husband and everything he does for me.
I am thankful for too many things to list but at present I am most thankful for a beautiful wedding last Saturday for my DD.
Happy blogaversary Brandie!! You are always an inspiration to me and I wonder at your energy and creativity!
I am thankful for my amazing husband and three beautiful daughters and also I'm thankful that the weather finally, finally feels Fall like!
Happy anniversary!
I am thankful to have survived Houston Quilt Market. I didn't think my feet were ever going to recover. I am also thankful for all the wonderful blogs such as your's that I enjoy reading every much inspiration.
Congratulations, Brandie. It is always a pleasure to visit your blog to see what you have created (and baked!!!). I'm thankful for my home, my family, my furry kids and all my blog friends who inspire me, make me laugh and have many times provided fantastic cyber hugs!
Nice Brandie. Congrats! I can't believe how much you've accomplished in the last year. You go girl! What am I thankful for? I have a wonderful hubby that I've been married to for almost 25 years and two boys that have grown in to responsible young men. I'm thankful for quilting, as it has given me the opportunity to meet some people that have become very good friends. I'm also thankful for all the modern conveniences that we have, like computers, iPhones, microwaves, and fancy sewing machines.
I'm thankful for a lot of stuff. I'm thankful for my health and the health of my family. I'm thankful for my wonderful family, including my husband of almost 34 years, two wonderful grown sons who make me proud and the two wonderful women they married. I'm thankful for my friends. I'm thankful for the Internet, because I've met some of my BEST friends there. I'm thankful for the joy I get from creating. I'm thankful for our animals. I'm thankful for our beautiful granddaughter and our undoubtedly-gorgeous-grandson-to-be. And I'm thankful for finding your blog...I enjoy it!
Happy Anniversary!! I am thankful for my health and my familys health! With a father-in-love going though cancer really puts things in the right order! I am thankful that my family knows that I need my time to quilt so I can have the right attitude to help everyone. I am thankful for wonderful clients that make working a joy! And I am thankful for such great quilting blogs to give me inspiration!!!!
I'm thankful that I get to retire in December. And for all of my family, I love them all!!!!
Happy Blogaversary to you Brandie. Thanks for all the great ideas and inspiration.
I work at a hosptial so I am always thankful for mine and my families and freinds good health. This year espeically thankful that all of my kids will be home for the holidays!
Have a wonderful weekend.
Happy Anniversary! I love 'green' too! :-) I'm thankful for many things, but today it is the beauty of autumn out my door. Thank you for the fun giveaway!
Congratulations! My first year flew by. It has been fun blogging.
Great giveaway.
I am thankful to have a car and money so that I can go visit my son and DIL in Washington, DC in a couple weeks.
Wow, this is a wonderful giveaway, thanks so much for the opportunity and Congratulations on your anniversary.
I am thankful for my daughter. She brings me such joy, is my best friend, and has never given me a moments worry. My life is so much more fun and richer because of her.
congrats auntie! You don't need to include me in your giveaway, I would just sit and stare at the gifts lol, but I wanted to congratulate you and tell you I am thankful to have a wonderfully dysfunctional family that I love and supports me. Thank you for being there!
so good to see you last night. Love your use for a yard stick. I actually collect wood yard sticks now because they are becoming antiques. I have a basket in my living room with them in it and love them. I will do something very crafty at some point in time. Congrats on your blog-a-versary. See you soon.
Hi Brandie! Happy Anniversary! Love your blog! Today, I am especially thankful of how warm, inviting and welcoming everyone has been in Blogland! I love all the connections I have made. We are lucky to have such a great community.
Happy anniversary. Stick with the blogging; you'll get your followers!
I'm thankful for so many things; I guess I'd have to say at this point, one specific thing would be my health.
Cute blog!
First, I am thankful it's the weekend! Yay! I'm also thankful I "met" you here in Blogland because, as you say, there's inspiration and ideas out here, and you've passed some of them along to me! Happy Blogiversary!
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