As I was cleaning one of the mirrors, the back fell off. Can you see what that date says? July 11, 1928. WOW! Grandma had these in her basement and nobody knows the story. If only the mirror could tell us it's story.
After the first cleaning. You can see the difference between the two mirrors, just ignore everything else. By the way, the cracks you see, are in the mirror, not my ceiling, but they would look good for Halloween.
So I took this poor sad, flaking mirror and turned it into a Halloween decoration. If I change my mind later, I can just scrape the paint off.
And just so you know, taking pictures of mirrors is not easy! I had a very hard time. If I wasn't in the pic, then there was some other problem. Arggg!
So if you have a mirror or you're lucky enough to have an old window hanging around, paint it up for the season. Just pull out the acrylic paints and have a go.
Take care, Brandie
Brilliant! Those mirrors are wonderful. So many great uses. Lizzie
Fantastic - you really are a creative genius! Love your ideas, Brandie.
I agree w/ Diane - creative genius. Thanks for more ideas!
Cool idea!
Great idea!!!
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