Last week in the grocery store, I indulged in a 2 lb. package of fresh blueberries. I love blueberries and the price was good. So I bought them and brought them home. Once I got them home I didn't know what to do them them. Being on a perpetual diet, I know that I would just turn them into something sweet and I also knew I didn't need that. So into the freezer they went. Well when we planned our girls lunch, I knew it was time to use those yummy blueberries. A couple of years ago I found a recipe for the best blueberry pie. I have a membership to "America's test kitchen" and they did up a good looking pie. I personally like cake better, as you can see from my shape. But Hubby is a pie lover. So I made up this pie and it has been a favorite for the both of us. The berries stay put and the crust is nice and flaky, thanks to the vodka. Yes I said vodka. It makes an excellent crust. We don't drink, but I do have a couple of bottles of wine and that one bottle of vodka, in the frig. Now I know the the wine loses something over thing, does the vodka? I've had the same bottle going on 3 years.

Anyway, isn't this a beautiful piece of pie? I made my son wait to eat it so I could take some pics of it. Because when I was indulging myself, I couldn't wait. So poor William had to wait for the ice cream to be the right temp to make a prettish scoop and for me to take about 20 pics. I moved it from room to room, looking for the best light. Between him and PugsLee, I'm surprised I didn't trip over one of them and drop the pie. OH BOY! PugsLee would have loved it!

After the pie we had lunch. No I'm joking, we ate lunch first. We has a potato frittata, with spinach,artichokes and Canadian bacon. Yummy, but not as good as that pie! I'll be eating more frittata for lunch, yum.
So ladies, even in my petit kitchen, I've turned out some yummy meals. I would love to have a gorgeous kitchen with everything. But I make do and I love my new floor. Still undecided about the rug. My MIL came up with a great idea, paint a rug on it. I'm thinking on this.
Back in March or April, I took a pic of some prehistoric roots. At that time I wasn't sure if anything was going to grow there. I'm happy to report that something came up.

Some tiny little ferns are sprouting from the roots.

How cute are they? Ignore the leaves, I did try to gently remove them, but the ferns are so tiny and delicate I was afraid of breaking them. I'm so glad to see something come back to life and I love ferns. I can grow them well, or the soil does, take your pick.
Have a great day Ladies!
Take care, Brandie
I'm going to need the recipe for that pie! Who doesn't love blueberries and vodka??
Love the idea of a rug painted on the could do a big quilt block or knowing you, an intricate quilt :o)
The pie looks so yummy and only in California can you buy a 2 lb. bag of "fresh" blueberries. Here in Oklahoma they come in a tiny little container for big bucks, when you can find them. I make do with frozen most of the time.
Just had to post again to tell you that my secret word on the above comment was, pooass...ROFLMAO...
Mmmmmm, it all looks good to me, and btw I often eat desert before dinner to keep me from overeating. I know I'm going to eat that pie, so if I eat one serving of pie (or what ever) before dinner it will keep me from having seconds of the other stuff at dinner...i guess we all have our own system.
Would love to see how that crust is made. I've never made a pie crust. I remember after grandma quit using lard and started using crisco her crust wasn't as good, so i don't want to put the effort into it and it not be flakey. I'm not much of a cook anyway.
OK (tapping toe) we're still waiting for the pie recipe! Will it be forthcoming anytime soon?! LOL
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