This weekend was a slow one. I had all these plans of finishing up several small projects. Then I got grumpy and felt like I was not making my own decisions and letting people plan my life. So what did I do instead? I read this book! I made myself comfortable in the corner of the couch and decide not to answer the phone any more, not that any one called, and read my book. This was a story about a girl who grew up without her Mother. She was told that her Mother had died years before. Guess what? Her Mother isn't dead. She receives a letter from her Mother, sent from a lawyer to inform her of her Mother's death. Then her Father dies. So begins her story. What was interesting, was that the writer, Wendy Webb, believes in ghosts and so the story features ghosts. This is not the kind of book I usually read and the only reason I bought it was for the title. My MIL has the same middle name, Halcyone, and so did her Grandmother. I guess that kind of makes it a family name and hence my attraction to the book. It was not one of those silly stories and it didn't scare you out of sleeping. So I recommend it if you're looking for a new book.
After the book ,I even put my ear buds in and turned up the ipod and ignored everything, except PugsLee. I don't like being in a bad mood, and
I know I need to learn not to let people and things get to me.
I did relax enough to give PugsLee her much needed bath. Can you tell she liked it? I'm not sure how to interpret this look. What is she thinking?

This is the first lily to bloom in my yard. You can see another bud directly below the first bloom. Years ago my SIL gave me a bag of miscellaneous bulbs and this is what grew out of them. I think they are perfect, considering that my gardens are mostly all white. I seem to have a color issue even in my yard. Hmmm, wonder what that says about me.

Now this is a weed. This is a St John's wort bloom. Before I cleared out the fairy garden, these were everywhere. I guess as a weed goes, it's not bad. I just don't like it.

My potato vine is blooming. It's just a little thing. The deer came through and trimmed him up for me. Aren't they sweet? They leave me so little to do around the yard.

And I'm not sure what this is, but I can grow it really good. I have it in several pots all around my yard. I love it's small delicate leaves.

So that's all for today, my fingers have other plans and I'm not going to let another day go by without doing what I want!
Take care, Brandie
Well, you just do what you want. We are adults, right!!!:D
Sometimes people just get under our skin.
Poor Pugsley! Buddy is having his bath right now at the groomers and will probably have a similar look on his face! Good on you for doing what you wanted to do on the weekend.
Your flowers are gorgeous, even the weed!
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