I was so involved in my book, I forgot to wish a friend Happy B-Day. I feel terrible about that. Specially when I tell you that my school was so small, there were only us 4 girls. And I forgot her day when it is only 14 days after mine. What a terrible friend I am, and what a good book!
If you have read the other 2 books, this book is even better. Do not hesitate to read it. It's that good. Well I've got to go, chores and all...
Take care, Brandie
Wow. That is a good book I'd say! What a darling project Brandie! Now get on those chores gal! :) Pam
You are too much. How do you do it all? Cute bags. Will you be there Thurs night? Bring one to share if you are. Txs,
I just cannot believe how much you get done....I play the reward game with myself too :o) Work on the house for an hour=sew for 2 hours...lol
I just started listening to the "book" yesterday. Not far enough into it yet to be captivated though.
Oh I LOVE the bags...I may have to try to make one. I don't think I've ever made a dresden plate, but I want to.
Have a great weekend!
Brandi, Check out this site, Your art is very similar. Lizzie http://traceyjayquilts.blogspot.com/
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