Folk Art Christmas III |
Have I mentioned before how much I loved Robyn Pandolph fabric? Well if I haven't mentioned it before, it's true.
I found a stack of fat-quarters in my stash from who knows how long ago. Let me re-phrase that, I re-found them. I don't want you all to think I have so much fabric that I don't know what I have.
So I got these FQs out and I decided to make more stars.
I cut my pieces and made a nice little stack. (Notice the FQs above, this is after cutting into them. Not much of a dent, No?)
So I had this cute little pile of fabrics. Enough to make one of each color, making a total of 28.
I stuck them into my to-go box for easy traveling, in case we travel together. See them below.
What? You can't see the box? Look under the cat.
This is a plastic Rubbermaid casserole pan. It's a great size for picnics and potlucks. And it's the same size of the glass ones that you have in your cabinets. But this one is lighter and has a lid, making it perfect to carry a project around. Apparently it's also the perfect size for 19 week old cat.
Doesn't this make you think of "Goldilocks and the Three Bears"? This bed is just right!
He really puts a damper on sewing time. I have to move him just to get my nicely arranged pieces. And I have the bite marks on my hands to prove it!
Sooooo, long story short. I only completed 9 stars.
As I look at this pic, I see I have a stripe problem with the lower left block.! |
Then the little *#^*head wouldn't let me take a decent picture!
I'm not in any hurry and I want to enjoy the process of quilting. I sometimes get myself all in a hurry and then get overwhelmed with anxiety over finishing it.
So I'm going to take my time and enjoy it. (I'm saying this out loud to myself)
In other news. I'm normal.
I went to a Dr last month for a yearly physical. Now that I'm getting older I felt that it was time to have a Dr at my beck and call. Honestly I haven't had my own Dr for over 25 years. So it was time.
I searched around, talked to my friends, even my hairdresser. I found my Dr.
I went to see her three weeks ago and I left with a hand full of tests to complete before I went back.
12 blood tests later, I'm normal.
Every test came back within normal ranges. Even the hormone tests. Normal.
Good cholesterol, normal. Bad cholesterol, normal.
Iron levels, normal.
Other vitamin levels, normal.
Liver and bladder functions, normal.
Thyroid, yup, you guessed it, normal.
Everything was normal, everything. I feel so boring! (I really not complaining. It just makes the story better to be so boring)
So there you have it. Proof that I'm normal. I'm not weird, or even strange, I'm normal.
I also went to my yearly eye exam yesterday. Guess what?
Yup, it's the same too. No changes from last year.
The only excitement I had all day was having my eyes dilated, not fun! I couldn't even sew or read or watch TV. what a boring day I had.
Today promises to be better. Next stop, my local quilt shop. Mommy needs a piece of fabric!
Take care, Brandie